I'm a gal who can hit the ground running first thing in the morning. And that's just my brain; my body catches up quickly. As a matter of fact, my brain starts before my feet touch the floor to get out of bed.
My brain used to start whirring in the wee hours of the morning if I got up to use the restroom. Fortunately, being on meds has stopped that.
My husband is tolerant when I blurt out thought after thought, idea after idea and nonsense after nonsense. He patiently listens as I tell him about the dreams I had the previous night (there are often many and they can be pretty wierd). It has to drives him nuts. It does me.
I'm working on refraining from vocalizing every thing that enters my mind. This reminds of something I used to tell my son. As early as elementary school, he started getting in trouble for blurting things out in class without raising his hand. I told him to, first of all, respect the teacher; it was her show and not his. Secondly, I told him to really think before he spoke; he needed to evaluate the importance and/or relevance of what he wanted to share. It's funny, but I find myself using that same technique now.
Unfortunately, even though my mouth has slowed down, my brain has not. I finally had a visual the other day that explained my brain perfectly. It's as though all my thoughts are cars on the expressway. The more cars that hit the on ramp, the more congested the traffic becomes. Until, finally, there is a traffic jam and it all stops. My brain is much the same. Thoughts trickle then pour in. Then as a coping mechanism, my brain just kind of shuts down - it "jams". After the thoughts are still for a while, we go in to clear out the jam. Then the brain reboots.
Funny how my traffic jam is always later in the day after all the real freeways have long since cleared out theirs!
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